jaejoongieeeeeeeeee >> K.Tansijie My name is Tansijie and my birthday falls on 0110 :). I'm from 1C studying in Westspringsec. I'm very into Korean Pops and I like TVXQ/JYJ, SHINee, 2PM, Super Junior, MBLAQ and LeeSeunggi. May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 |
/ Monday, May 31, 2010 @ 8:48 PM
OK , wenta expo today , to eat free samples , hahahs . :P of course got buy some stuffs luh , then andra came , then etcetcetc . kept drinking coffee -.- , so many coffee de , then , that's all . sian kthxbye.
/ Sunday, May 30, 2010 @ 8:31 PM
ok , i'm like freaking bored , so , yea . PLEASE HELP ME CLICK ON TH ADS / CLICK ON TH POLL PLEASEEEE . me wann earn money go korea x) / save money ignore th "xsiingx" stuff cos' yea , i'm too young x) , I'm honest kay. hahahah , :P
/ Saturday, May 29, 2010 @ 5:54 PM
Isn't this photo cool? LOLS , i took it OKAY . :DDD , no editting was done. Imma proud of myself. Big head small body. Ahahahahhs , ok , sry for being lame . Sorry for not updating much th past few days ? I was really bored and have nth to post . oh and btw , chulin , please don't suck my bottle when school reopens , or during focussed lessons , I HATE IT . and i hate people replying tags to people USING MY TAGBOARD . fffffffff
/ Friday, May 28, 2010 @ 1:58 PM
/ Wednesday, May 26, 2010 @ 5:42 PM
dun say i'm outdated pls tq. i only went in to youtube today , not ytd . listen to this , it's really nice :) it's by piano btw haizzz... holidays starts now. i think i'm getting bored. finally chulin can't suck my bottle now cos' i really hate people sucking my bottle.
/ Tuesday, May 25, 2010 @ 7:01 PM
sorry ah , second time i'm posting about this . ))): , cos' jeongbin is leaving , JEONGBIN yknow. i forgot to get his autograph , ): . LOL . i was late for 2 times today , first in th morning and second in th afternoon . lols . morning , cos' overslept until late late , then woke up , blahblah , chiong to sch . shocked that teacher didn't scold me , ahhhhhhhh. then i was like sweating like hell when i dun even know why lor ! !!! !! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then science centre trip , xinsheng came my house pei me change back then sh put her bag at my house , then suddenly leechin called , tell us mrs ong waiting . then we immediately chiong . xinsheng stepped onto mud then whole shoe all mud . suay . then teacher say i late two times . ok lah not in th mood in posting , once again , jeongbin leaves singapore ):
/ Monday, May 24, 2010 @ 6:29 PM
very tired laaah. okokok , post abt yesterday. i'll just, simply like tell you guys whad we did yesterday. we breathed. ok that's stupid.
/ Sunday, May 23, 2010 @ 9:55 PM
sorry for not posting th past few days. busy with some stuffs. went sentosa with andra, marcus and jeongbin today. actually wanna go universal studios but then tickets sold out (wth why like that one). then got sentosa lor. play ~ thanks for th wow-ing. tmr then post about today (:
/ Tuesday, May 18, 2010 @ 4:46 PM
today was WOW , seriously , wow . like , so wow lor . and i dun really feel like posting , -_-||
/ Monday, May 17, 2010 @ 6:50 PM
Well... get my results lerr, but very disappointed.. I'm in higher mother tongue yet my normal mother tongue like, did so badly and lost to people that are not taking hmt. ohgosh. i think classes like 6H or 6J perhaps do better than our class? gosh, seriously. how am i going to do during psle? arghs. well, wtf is wrong with angus ? lalalalalala. JULIETTE HARRRRRRRRR. ok seriously ._.
/ Sunday, May 16, 2010 @ 10:20 AM
okokokokok. gonna post about yesterday :)) . (now i like to type stupid-ly without caps) yesterday went by bus. straighten my hair yet it doesn't seems to be like, straight cos' after some time it turns back to curl again ._. okay, went a few rounds in Bugus junction cos' we are totally lost and didn't even know that we kept walking at th same place. then saw this MU-EE shop , went there and make one for chingwei. then saw this : then went a few more rounds (TH SAME AREA) , then wann find some other shops and yet we found this at th directory: hahahahahs:) then went a few more rounds ( SAME AREA AGAIN ) bought adidas stuff and we are proud of it:) hahahah. went to search for some "PIECES OF CLOTH" cos' we havent buy any clothes yet. took this photo in th same cubicle when we found some cltohes:)) we went in th same cubicle, hahah. saw this at giordano, actually wanna buy cos' it's BLING BLING but no more stock ): while waiting, we wenta eat:) RAMEN!!then went to walking a few more rounds -.- , then went to th opposite shopping centre cos' no place to shop around in bugis lerrs, then went in comics connection and it's so kpop-ish. whole place full of SHINee, TVXQ and SNSD. and i meant whole place. saw this super epic stuff. actually i thought it's korean so i was searching for some korean words, then i was like, duh, korean shop no korean words, FAIL. then andra say, "i thought it's japanese?" i was more fail. bought these when we are at a very korean-ish shop at bugis and th shop is fulled with korean words and th songs are obviously korean but also obviously not nice. spoon is so big x) i tried to like stuff th spoon into my mouth then realise someone is looking at me. argh. then before that time, there was this group of woman (okay, i say woman) who keep looking at me and andra. then me: just now did you realise that that group of WOMAN keep looking us? andra: cos' got iphone mah.(that time we placed th iphone and itouch on th table) me: no lah, it's ADIDAS MAH! (that time andra placed th adidas bag on th table then i placed it beside me which is beside them too. - th chair is like joined de mah - inside de) and we both ended up laughing :) then time almost up lerr, go prepare to buy some stuffs to eat when watching movie, i was like..... i love FG? i love ffffing gerrie. LOLS:)
/ Saturday, May 15, 2010 @ 10:13 PM
argh , really sick and tired of this . zhanxuan dun irritate me can ? tell you le dun tag and you know then you now set your name as "guess" , is like , i need your comment meh ? i got say shinee rocks meh ? -.- f you. went bugis today with andra , dun feel like posting now cos' zhanxuan's pissing me off . tomorrow then post :D , watched "the back-up plan" and was like super nice ! :DDD had lotsa funnnn !
/ Friday, May 14, 2010 @ 10:29 PM
I had enough of these luhs . passer byiie and zhanxuan , passer byiie ; is like i dun mind you spamming my blog or giving me comments but i have enough of zhanxuan. zhanxuan ; i thought you always say ok when i ask you to not irritate me? you know you will irritate me when i see your name or like saw you tagging my blog or text me. zzzzzzzzz. OK. I saw this really WTH thing on Angus' blog. YOU VERY PRO HOR. "Call me AirPork ( I don't like it ) /Angus .. :D LOVE - Orange, Kenric.. :D Errmm .., Trying to be more socialized and don't care bout the things i shouldn't :D Things will go great right ? Most important guy in my life , Kenric :D He was the first tagger.. :D BE AMAZED. :D Dislikes : People calling me airpork , Joy ( HATE TO THE CORE. ) .. Loves : Kenric , Tags , Nice Korean songs , SHINee , TVXQ , MY OWN FIRST KISS .. Still in my mouth not like someone horh , Sijie" AHEMMMMMMMMMMMM! Who ah? Who you talking about ah? I got my first kiss ah? Got meh? To who? You ah? Ooooh oppa siah. ._. i was really really really damn freaking wth-ly SHOCKED to receive my higher mother tongue paper 2. awwwwww! 27HALF / 60. WTF IS THIS?! I FAILED youknow. I FAILED. First time failing a subject. I FAILED. MOTHER TONGUE SOMEMORE. I FAILED. Oh gosh. oh gosh oh gosh. OH GOSH. seriously. omg. And teacher said that I FAILED MY HMT COMPO TOO. OMG, I FAILED. FAILED! FAIL SIAH. Wth! failed = below 20. omg! it's about th crying one. th last one... I DID NOT WRITE THAAT I CRIED. OH GOSH. SERIOUSLY. OMG. argh,,, english booklet a , just received today. MORE SHOCKING LAH. wth! like normal practises with past year papers i will like, get 25-29/30 one. EXAM, OH SSHT! 21/30. So cool. So wow. yea, I'm sijie and i , err, whad's that word, it's no deprove but teacher taught us, deplenished? <- omg whad's this word ._. going bugis tomorrow , with andra !
/ Thursday, May 13, 2010 @ 7:29 PM
Jonghyun's pet! Awww so cute, let me be that pet ! P/S: Super Junior's new album's song are all out! Sorta nice...:)
/ Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @ 7:45 PM
is some people irritated by me singing this song today in school? well, i think not much people hear it. BONAMANA by SUPER JUNIOR my sis says that th dance is like , bollywood ? KOREAN VERSION -_-||
/ Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @ 7:43 PM
Omg this is so cool :D.
- Ok today, thanks to someone, i accidentally like, blahblah to liting. SORRY ! :\ thanks to that same someone, i accidentally KNOCK ONTO SOMEONE'S HEAD WITH MY OWN HEAD. so ps :\ , oh and thanks to HUANYI, we finger wrestled, then my green tea bushblahblehblushbooh on nmy uniform. So ps :\. Oh ya and question 6 of english booklet , "Th motorcylist sped ____ pan island expressway blahblah" , th answer is ALONG T.T, checked th dictionary and wth. i wrote THROUGH ._. K. Today, Chingwei, andra and Xinsheng came to my house :D , like so damn fun hahah. kkkkkkkk; ask you guys smth, would you rather prefer ; streaming on swimming pool streaming because "water" come out. swimming pool because s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ p_ _ _. (CREATED BY CHARLES) or strawberry jam on bread (CREATED BY ANGUS)
/ Monday, May 10, 2010 @ 7:45 PM
Love him ^^ ! Ohya, talking about Lee Joon , this is definitely crazy. ------- I don't like all these commercial always shown during weekends from 3-5pm. They can repeat it for like 3 times per break-between-shows-to-show-commercial. ----- Haizzzz. Yesterday was pissing me off. Went to a restaurant to have dinner last night. Spent $89 for food we are not really like, ok-with-it. A prawn with all those dunnoe whad 一条一条 thin thin de flour or whadsoever thing around it. You know how much it cost? $20.80 (FOR ONLY 6 PRAWNS) - It wasn't up to expection lor. Somemore we waited for more than 30 minutes for th first dish which is th VEGGIES that cost like $8+ which it's like, not alot ._. Then after that all those stuffs are being served. Kind of meat which is like 3 cm long and 1 cm thick, which like, only 10+ pieces, costs, $10++. Fish which is like about 15cm long and 3cm thick, costs $22.80. Chicken wing - WTH there are only like 3 chicken wings only, wtf, it's costs $9.80. Makes me piss off. And there is only tofu thing, it was like not served yet for like damn freaking long so my father go call th waitress come then scold her. My mother then said, "you go check if th chef is cooking it, if it's not, then cancel that dish. also, bring me th bill." then later, th waitress came back with th bill and say, "ok since you wann to cancel it then i've cancelled it for you" i was like... i thought th waitress should be like... saying, "sorry ah, i will quickly bring th dish for you" grrrr. then th waitress say , "sorry ah, today our restaurant is abit busy, kitchen is very messy (blah blah) , alot of ppl here today, i think it's because today's mother's day, i'm sure we won't be like this next time" then my father say, "no more next time! " then th waitress kept apologising. wth somemore sh say today alot ppl, i was like... i thought it's th how many tables blahblah. it's like not really much tables occupied, th kitchen should be able to like, make it (?). but then, uhhh. excuses lah. grr it's making me more angry ._. then we are like... NOT FULL AT ALL ._. then go east coast there eat :DD. again, AMAZED BY IR . LOL. ----- tmr's english paper ~ !
/ Sunday, May 9, 2010 @ 4:06 PM
HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY, Mummy ❤ ----------------------------------------------------------- WTH is wrong with those people. Argh.and ,, Zhanxuan and th Passer byiie, dun kpkb on my blog lah. Zhanxuan you wann to say to leonard you say to him lah, not at my blog lah. Who cares if th passer byiie is not you? I'm not even th one who said it's you so dun kpkb on my blog. Zzzzzz. YOU ARE irritating me right now, making me even hate you more .
/ Saturday, May 8, 2010 @ 8:01 PM
Woahwoahwoah. To "passer byiie" or whadever your name is. I dun care if you are really a passer by, or you are trying to use passer byiie to replace your name -.-, but most importantly you type others' name properly first lah ._. I dun really know or talk to Aloysius but if you wann to insult Zhanxuan then dun say about others laaah zzz. You spell marcia name wrongly later leonard angry. :O err, and I dun wann ban you from tagging my blog, cos' in my opinion , i think banning people very no life . Oh and whad's GTH? Lols. :P Ok Imma let Leonard feel proud of himself. Hahahah.
/ Friday, May 7, 2010 @ 8:22 PM
today , you irritated me by you know i no like you being close or near me , yet you still purposely stay close us and listen to our conversation . Okokok. Today, Iskandar freaked me out. I was like sitting beside him cos' behind there no fan, so very today, me, purposely, told Rishi that Xinsheng has a boyfriend. His reaction was, "Tsk." then he showed me a sad and irritated look. Ok, mixed? Idk. He always look out for Xinsheng/ look at Xinsheng when during lesson or after. But he is irritated by us when we talked about Xinsheng in class. O.O, ok Rishi. Just stop cheering yourself up. I mean, Xinsheng doesn't like you ._., and Rishi keeps having th idea that Xinsheng likes him lor. Hahah. Today's higher mother tongue Compo was sorta easy. I wrote th one talking about crying. Heheh. I'm really "good" at compo at crying stuffs. bahahahh. Then th Paper 2, I'm really scare that I will fail. Cos' everytime when doing th paper was like so damn easy but then when get th results, shocked that whad was written on th paper. Everytime is just pass (30++) or only 40++ marks only. Can't even get 50. Hope compo can help me score higher :DD.
/ Thursday, May 6, 2010 @ 7:20 PM
f(x)'s NU ABO. Is th " (Sorry. I think some people find me irritating for me non-stop singing th "lalala" part) - Ahsheeeeesh. I forgot to tell Rishi that Xinsheng has a boyfriend. ahahahah. Okay okay. Today's invigilator was wth ! sh started at 7.37am but sh wrote on th board as 7.30am instead. Ok I'm not saying that it's th invigilator's fault but. seriously ._. I was really irritated by Fatiha because sh always give me that kind of w-t-h face. grrr. can't you just like ... SING WITH ME when i was la-la-la-ing ? (NU ABO). Min Qi is pervertic. Don't stay near her. Argh. Because sh make my egg drop. Dun think dirty. I know eggs are round. After school, stayed back awhile cos' thought got Higher mother tongue. then go andra's house , with leonard , huanyi , chingwei , eddie . play wii and etc .. Okokokok. I.NEED.PEACE.
/ Wednesday, May 5, 2010 @ 5:05 PM
Zhanxuan, I know you've read my blog. You don't have to tell me. You don't have to irritated me at night. Also, stop telling me, "This time I really shut up.", "Ok I will shut up", "I will shut up... Promise. I won't text you or send you messages on msn and won't ask you questions. I will shut up and wait... Promise." All these are nonsense and you don't even keep your promise, you did not even shut up EVERYTIME. You've sent me messages EVERYDAY. I got really frustrated yesterday so I said to you that word. Told you don't irritated me le. You know and you still do. You KNOW that I will feel irritated but you ignore, and still keep bothering me. Then whad for you want me to talk to you? To say out all th things you've done? I want me and you to be friends. You said that you don't mind fake friends. I MIND. I mind being with th person I don't like. I don't like it. Please think about my feelings -.- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Today was... wow. Compre was wow. I did not want to talk about it because all I can say is, I did really badly for it. Argh. After sch, stayed back. Tried to do an experiment for where eddie likes andra anot. Trick Eddie that me, xinsheng and ANDRA wants to go home. Then eddie, who was playing basketball, immediately went out of basketball court. then he say to us, "bye, i also wann go home liao." then we keep laughing. :DDDD . Andraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seems like I really like making friends. Wah. Self praise :D. I'm getting more and more err. Close? No. Get-to-know-more-of-6H-pupils. Eddie ng. Ok obviously I know him le. Leonard Yee. He's my P1 and P2 classmate ._., now my KORRR :DDD. Stephen Kwon. soft hair guy who doesn't know girls grow pubic hair. YOU YONG QUAN. LOLLL:DDD (To non-chinese(s) out there~~ You yong quan = Swimming th.. Whad's that called ._. , oh ya . th round round float thingy . for young kids who doesn't know how to swim.) seems like i only make friends with guys -.- . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RISHI SHAVED HIS HAIRS BECAUSE HE THINKS THAT XINSHENG DOESN'T LIKE HIM AS HE IS HAIRY. OMG? Kay. I'm gonna see his reaction tmr as i wann to tell him that xinsheng has a boyfriend. hahah
/ Tuesday, May 4, 2010 @ 8:06 PM
f(x) 's NU ABO. It sounded really nice on th MV Teaser. But I'm disppointed it came out to be like this ._. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The deeper we love, the more we hurt each other. The deeper the dependency, the more the emptiness. I feel really irritated by someone. Really. I kept repeating. Sh said that sh had shut up. But obviously sh didn't. I can show her all th messages sh had sent me. Sh kept repeating that sh had already shut up. And passed message to marsh to pass message to me. Argh. Really irritated. Sh already know I didn't like it and sh still do it. Freak. Ohya. Today I spot Rishi when Xinsheng goes out of th classroom, I think is th last period when we are about to be dismissed, Xinsheng goes out of th classroom from th front door. No, should be Xinsheng was at th front door there, like going out but kanna disturbed by Hockheng they all. Rishi was at th back, near backdoor. He was looking directly at Xinsheng. Xinsheng then slowly walked out. Then Rishi immediately ran out from th back door, then ran to th front door from th outside. Wtfreak? Hahahah. OKOKOKOKOK. Saw this really cute thing! Spot Yoogeun, spot Yoogeun!
/ Monday, May 3, 2010 @ 12:21 PM
ZHANXUAN, I DISLIKE YOU. Peoplezxc. Don't you feel irritated when someone keeps bothering about you when some stuffs just doesn't even concern her. You've reminded th person to stop talking about it and that person just keeps on talking about it. You just need some time to think through properly, but that person just keeps bothering you and asking you why you suddenly so, emo, bu shuang, unhappy, angry with her. You just want that person to shut up. Only when there's something so you talk to that person. But whenever you talk to her, sh just keeps changing th subject, thinking that you're okay with her and... Awwww. sh is just annoying but without knowing quite some people dunlike her... So I shall wait... wait until he also find her annoying... --------------------------------------------------
OKOKOKOKOK :DDD. Let me talk about happy stuffs now. Yesterday, like quite late, family without my elder sis went East Coast to eat. Mum drove past th IR or something like that, those got Singapore Flyer stuffs there. I was like so damn freaking amazed lor! Like first time see th IR and Singapore Flyer like that. hahah. So now then I realised that IR th behind is straight. Then in front then curve. Woooots :D. Ok, after eating, went walking on th beach. I was so amazed that one aeroplane by one was taking th same route back to Changi Airport. So many airplanes :D. And they must curve one round before going to th airport. Wowwwww. Learnt so much things. Hahahahah. Ok, not in th mood to post. Kthxbye.
/ Sunday, May 2, 2010 @ 5:39 PM
Today, I realised that my sister likes to "YOO CHUN-AH ~" ! Yoo Chun - A member from TVXQ ; not that guy above. If I'm not wrong, Junsu from TVXQ had gone back to Korea already. He came to SG manzxc. Wth. Hmmmm, I've been wanting to post about my mother recently. Cos' Shah Anaz, ex-pupil of ZHPS, now currently Secondary 1, knows my sis. My sis told him that my mama knows quite some K-POP groups, and even know their dances. Such as, Sorry Sorry, my mama knows how to sing and dance. Ring Ding Dong, same, also knows how to sing and dance. Most importantly, Bad Romance. Sh was like, whenever I say, Gaga, or Lady Gaga, immediately, my mum, "RA RA OH LA LA~". Now, on th TV, which was a few days ago, there was this Telephone by Lady Gaga on it. So my mama is addicted to Telephone now. -_-||| Talking about my mum, Sh likes ChangMin from TVXQ.
Ohya ohya. I really liked th Jacket of his which was shown on th first photo of him. :DD (Too lazy to find photos) Sh thinks ShinDong from SuperJunior is cute. (Too lazy to find photos) Sh thinks Siwon from SuperJunior is handsome. (Too lazy to find photos) Sh likes MINHO from SHINee. Sorry for those no photos stuffs. I've only got TVXQ and Jonghyun's photos that filled up my computer files.
/ Saturday, May 1, 2010 @ 2:52 PM
Gonna promote Leonard's blog, because I'm th one who makes that blog. Hahahah. Click on his photo. Can you believe it? Because I wanted his photo to put on his blog, he went taking tons of photos of himselfs. Hahahah. Ohya, his toilet is cool :DD. Seriously, now I can't stand Rishi. Yesterday, I stayed back in school for Higher Mother Tongue. Rishi suddenly came to me and asked me whad for am I staying back. I replied, "Chinese supp.". He said, with an indian accent, "Oooooh ok." I think it's because Xinsheng is beside me and he also wanted to know whad for sh is staying back, but he is too "shy" to talk to Xinsheng. Buahahahah. Somemore he's like, keep stalking Xinsheng. He stands somewhere and look at Xinsheng shy-ly. When I've spotted him, I shouted, "Rishi go away lahh". That time was when Stephen was beside me and he was like totally shocked. Cos' I shouted beside his ear. Ps :PP. Somemore Rishi wants to take photo of Xinsheng and I was like totally block her :DD. And this is whad Rishi said to Fatiha, which was posted on Fatiha's blog. (six-thavenue.) Rishi keeps talking to me about Xin Sheng. Ugh! "-indian accent starts now- Eh you know ah, Fati-ya, my friend told me that actually Xin Sheng secretly likes me. Its just that she acts rudely to me. -long pause- Okeh, you don't tell anyone arr." Well, what else can I do? *sigh* So I told Rishi, before he could sayy anything. Me: Hey, rishi, listen to me. Rishi interrupting~ Me: Ok ok just listen to me KAY? Rishi: Ok. Me: Xinsheng hates you. So stop disturbing her kay? (Before he could say anything, I interrupted him again.) Me: Xinsheng doesn't like you, sh hates you, so don't get th wrong idea. Sh doesn't act rudely to you but sh just hates you, so stop disturbing her kay? Rishi: Oh okay. But can I do anything so that sh will like me? Like... Taking off my specs? Me: Err, NO? Rishi: Should I remove all my hair or do I need to spray perfume or...? Me: NO NO NO. Xinsheng hates you. Your face, because you're an indian and your face is... Rishi: Oh... CAN I....... Me: NONONO. Sh doesn't like you because you're an indian. (So, to stop rishi from saying anything, I say....) Me: Xinsheng already likes somebody else. Rishi: Oh ok... Who? Is it from this school? I can bash him up or..... Me: NONONONO. It's from other school and that guy is like, so much more better than you. He's so handsome. Rishi: Who is he? Is it your....... Me: He's me and Xinsheng's friend. Rishi: Oh ok.... Then .... *sadly* Bye... ---- I was like so WTF when I was talking to him -.-. Whad's wrong with him manzxc! Pervert. Like... It's so impossible for Xinsheng to like him and I mean, XINSHENG, liking an indian? NO WAY LAH OF COURSE -.- |