jaejoongieeeeeeeeee >> K.Tansijie My name is Tansijie and my birthday falls on 0110 :). I'm from 1C studying in Westspringsec. I'm very into Korean Pops and I like TVXQ/JYJ, SHINee, 2PM, Super Junior, MBLAQ and LeeSeunggi. May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 |
/ Wednesday, June 30, 2010 @ 8:39 PM
WHY IS IT SO WARM NOWADAYS. I can see that I am th only one sweating when I just reached classroom or th assembly area. OMG. Class photo-taking on Friday. Sigh.
/ Friday, June 25, 2010 @ 2:10 PM
WHY AM I STILL NOT RECOVERING YET. Can't stop coughing. And I meant, can't stop. T.T Still having fever. At first was 38.7 but after so many days my temperature kept changing between 37.9 and 38.4. Sigh.
/ Wednesday, June 23, 2010 @ 8:40 PM
Eh heh. Finally recovering... I was clueless in school this morning when Angus shouted to me sijie -blahblahblah- mrs ong scolded you -blahblahblah- you looked so -blahblahblah-. Since when did mrs ong scold me -.- Isit because sh called me out in th hall this morning and talked to me? Sh asked me why I didn't go to school th previous days duh. I was expression-less:D. I really hope we can change a maths teacher cos' today's lesson make me really tak boleh tahan lei. i never do anything and i did pay attention (abit lah) and i was really quiet like omfgwtf. sh scolded me. how am i supposed to focus like hell when i'm sick?! hello? at least i came back to school, i have 3 days MC -.- Just read fatiha's blog and sh said sh miss Estima. sh just get to sit on it yesterday. (omg you wan me give you th whole car?)
/ Sunday, June 20, 2010 @ 5:42 PM
/ Saturday, June 19, 2010 @ 2:04 PM
I hate it when people only think about themselves.
Sian siah~ Hope Choir's BBQ will come faster. BORED LAH. Any song recommendations? K-POP. (Besides TVXQ (I dunthink anyone would recommend cos' they now no songs besides JYJ), SHINee (Now no new album yet), SUJU (Listen until sian liao unless my sis is willing to send me KRY's songs), 2PM (In Don't Stop Can't Stop album, I only got Without U and Don't Stop Can't Stop, unless my sis is willing to send me th other songs in that album.), MBLAQ (Somehow not interested liao cos' watch youtube and Music Bank also can listen xD), I know Min Qi would say PUSH PUSH by SISTAR but I find that song like Mazeltov by Z:EA, very no link. Why suddenly say PUSH PUSH, push whad? Push baby boy? Omg., I dunlike DN-A so please dun recommend me their songs. I dunlike CNBLUE, (tell me why, why, why. OMG), U-KISS? Gay, besides dongho x), SS501? OMFGWTFBBQ, NO WAY. Girl's group? Nah I dunwan any of them. Unless it's BEG, KARA or SNSD. Seems like you guys have nothing to recommend xD. P/S: THERE'S A GUY IN DN-A WHICH SOMEHOW LOOKS LIKE JAEJOONG FROM TVXQ AND TAEMIN FROM SHINee. HAIR+EYES = JAEJOONG NOSE+MOUTH = TAEMIN OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!
/ Friday, June 18, 2010 @ 3:39 PM
Heheh, overslept today so never go school x)
/ Thursday, June 17, 2010 @ 10:48 PM
/ Wednesday, June 16, 2010 @ 4:03 PM
Flood, flood, flood.
Hurray to Orchard Road.
/ @ 1:00 PM
(!!!) Ohfreak Ohfreak Ohfreak. Changed seats today, wtf lah joy. Keep calling "Chulin, chulin, chulin" then i was like look at her, sh said, "CALL CHULIN." then I was like ignoring her then talk to chulin. Omfg lah. Cos' Doobin not in school (wtf lah him.) then end up joy came extra-ing, bringing both her bag and pencil case. Then sh sat, asking, "Can I sit here?" I was like giving her a pissed look. Then say, "Ehm." Freak lah her. Sh should know that I dislike her cos' I always express it so obviously in front of her. Gonna tell her tmr that I hate her. Duncare.Whad I'm afraid of is, will sh steal my stuffs?
// , today was such an awkward day after seeing jerald and xinsheng lols . met outside gate 2. then is like totally laughing like hell. i mean, like hell. then blahblah. mrs ong asked why we three are together , i was like going to say "We saw each other then walk together" but end up saying "WE..... MEET" I was like, oh f*ck. I'm like totally bored. can't believe i slept at 4am yesterday but woke up at like, 7am? i was planning to wake up at 6.30 but think it's too early :\ Omg, I miss sitting with Fatiha. GET RID OF JOY, PLEASE.
/ Tuesday, June 15, 2010 @ 4:57 PM
How I hope ants would extinct... sian lah ! extra-extra lessons tmr . totally not prepared for school yet :\
/ Monday, June 14, 2010 @ 1:52 PM
K, i dunwan to post much cos' have to listen to some stupid songs as to win my sister in a challenge. We challenged each other to sing any korean song (sang by tvxq) and any english songs (sang by lady gaga). so i've chosen BALOONS by tvxq and Starstruck by lady gaga , although i really want paparazzi (sh picked that T.T) K bye, gonna listen and learn lyrics now. P/S: I know baloons by tvxq is easy to sing , but must get th lyrics right ! P/S/P/S: th song ; baloons, is spelled as baloons, not balloons, so dun correct me T.T ,
/ Sunday, June 13, 2010 @ 2:37 PM
Was really bored so copied this stuff from Andra's blog. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question. 1. What is your name: TAN SIJIE :D 2. A four Letter Word: Talk 3. A boy's Name: Taecyeon :D 4. A girl's Name: Taeyeon :D 5. An occupation: Teacher 6. A colour: Turquoise 7. Something you'll wear: T-shirt? (DUN HAVE NUMBER 8 SIAH.) 9. A food: Tangerine 10. Something found in the bathroom: Toilet paper 11. A place: Tiong Bahru (Dunnoe how to spell and... RANDOM) 12. A reason for being late: TVXQ appeared outside my house. 13. Something you'd shout: TAN SI BEI ! 14. A movie title: The Karate Kid 15. Something you drink: Tea 16. A musical group: TONG VFANG XIEN QI :D 17. An animal: Tiger 18. A street name: Thought of nothing so idk. 19. A type of car: Dunnoe lah. 20. The title of a song: Toki wo tomete (TVXQ)
/ Saturday, June 12, 2010 @ 9:50 PM
/ Thursday, June 10, 2010 @ 6:39 PM
gosh , just a few more days to extra lessons . haven't even done half of my holiday's homework. movies tmr. 2. but dunnoe whad to watch... Marmaduke is confirm! Suggestions? ^^ P/S: Se-ka-li got Big Bang's fans go watched Nanny McPhee & the BIG BANG. (K sorry I feel stupid -.-)
/ Wednesday, June 9, 2010 @ 10:13 AM
mother's phone ringtone - bonamana by super junior , god, totally love my mum.
/ Tuesday, June 8, 2010 @ 7:01 PM
intoxication , ❤ Joy came looking for me just now, sh said that sh wanted to talk to me. Sh came to my house like ALL OF A SUDDEN. F. Her. and , aren't they hot ? shut up fatiha.
/ Monday, June 7, 2010 @ 2:40 PM
As I've promised Fatiha that I would post about this DUBULGE THREAD , I'm posting now.
/ Sunday, June 6, 2010 @ 10:47 PM
Oh and btw, fatiha , now i dunthink that it's huge cos' i think it's just th pants that's th problem. oh hahah but it's still huge .
/ Saturday, June 5, 2010 @ 3:42 PM
/ Friday, June 4, 2010 @ 4:55 PM
I get really pissed off by Fatiha once I've read her latest post about wonder girls' 2 Different Tears. Godgodgod. Fatiha. It's Fatiha. Yea, FATIHA. How can FATIHA be addicted to WONDER GIRLS' song? Omgomgomgomg. I think sh need to go to th hospital. I think I'm addicted to Without U MV. ^^, and something's wrong with my SATIO. Yea, MY satio. Teehee.
/ Thursday, June 3, 2010 @ 4:58 PM
Seems like I'm sleeping sorta late during school holidays. 30052010; slept at 2am woke at 2pm (i'm gonna be okay ~ ^^) 01062010; slept at 3am woke at 3pm 02062010; slept at 2am woke at 12nn 03062010; slept at 1am woke at 2pm all those above are agar-agar one luhs , :P , this morning, no, yea, 2PM -.- , woke up and brushed teeth and PLAYED th game of life with tansibei . LOL ? end up both of us cheating , no , i cheated more , cos' i banker mahs , nononono , i'm not gonna talk about this game anymore kkays. sighsighsigh. superjunior's ticket really cannot get lerr. dunnoe whad thing can get free one already end lerr , according to sis ? somemore first day when th handphone just come out all tickets gone liaoo. gosh. no more superjunior for me to see , first chance - gone. leechin , i post le !
/ Wednesday, June 2, 2010 @ 4:54 PM
No more SHINee's bbushyeo ! ): I'd prefer SHINee's CF. Nothing better to do lately. So I shall watch SHINee's youngins BTS. P/S: Is anyone selected for th Talent Art Programme? i am . ahhhhhhhhh freak mdm lem. I effing hate people who calls me sipei. Especially gerrie and hockheng. i was pissed off by angus last time, but now? ok alr, lol. cos' he stops calling me that ^^
/ Tuesday, June 1, 2010 @ 2:20 PM
It's 1st June! , ♥ HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHINGWEI♥ ! dunnoe whadddd to sayy . --- Gosh , i seriously love this fanpage. hhahahahhah , to those victims , which i said shut up to you even though you're so quiet , lol .
---- currently damn bored at home now , alone with tansibei . siannnzxc. Andra pangseh-ed me at my own house , siannnnnzxc. tansibei watching all those stupid lame cartoons , siannnnnnnnnzxc. haizzz , nbm . ---- anyyywyayyyys , do you guys like people to be straightforward ? o.o , it's like , you straightforward , people bushuang . you not straightforward , people also bushuang . WTF IS WRONG MANZXC. |