jaejoongieeeeeeeeee >>

My name is Tansijie and my birthday falls on 0110 :). I'm from 1C studying in Westspringsec. I'm very into Korean Pops and I like TVXQ/JYJ, SHINee, 2PM, Super Junior, MBLAQ and LeeSeunggi.

May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011
/ Tuesday, August 31, 2010 @ 9:45 PM
I don't know who to trust.
/ Monday, August 30, 2010 @ 8:00 PM
haizz .. nvm lor .. ):

seriously dunno whatthefuck did i do.

i seriously DID NOT THINK THAT WAY la .. wtfff ..
/ Friday, August 27, 2010 @ 6:17 PM
Gosh. Did badly for CHINESE prelim.
82.5/100 only siaaaaaaaaaaa gosh.

English, maths still dunno results. GOSH seriously
/ Monday, August 23, 2010 @ 8:04 PM
Tomorrow's prelim English.
/ Sunday, August 22, 2010 @ 12:42 PM
Woah. First time wrapping a present and it turns out to be so successful. Normally I would ask my mother to help me x)
/ Friday, August 20, 2010 @ 1:27 PM
Yay psle oral finish. next week would be prelim and then next next next week would be psle written paper. blablah bye



Hehe. I like to watch things LIVE. RAWRRRRRRRRRRR. Youtube screen so small as compared to my tv. ARGHHH
/ Thursday, August 19, 2010 @ 1:36 PM
No, I hadn't done my best.
/ Wednesday, August 18, 2010 @ 4:42 PM
oh hi people.

Tomorrow's PSLE Oral omfgwtf.

6 six years ago, ...

"Aiya PSLE still got so many years scare what scare ah."

Last year , ...

"Aiya PSLE still got one more year still can slack next year then study harder la."

This year, (starting)

"Nearer to PSLE then study la."

Now, ...

"Omg tomorrow's just PSLE."

I said all those myself. I will study around the days of PSLE. I think I would have to. :D

So gonna read the whole dictionary. My sis said that it can improve my English.

Oh and, my fringe. it wasn't what i really want. i told mum that i wanted SIDE bangs. not bangs. yet she cut cut cut and it turned out to be bangs. DUN EVER THINK THAT I WANT IT:P
/ Tuesday, August 17, 2010 @ 6:52 PM


Gosh PSLE Oral is on Thursday and Friday AHHHHHHHHH! Kisiao liao. So damn fast. In a twinkling of an eye it's the PSLE le. Omg. Go class blog for info thankyou.

Mrs Ong told me that I can do very well for my oral, but I did very very badly for my Oral in prelims as I was too soft and I was mumbling. Omg it's true 'cos Mr Soh even like, "Huh, can you repeat what you've said?" Then like after the Pict. Discussion, he was like, "Erm sijie you have to be louder blablablah". Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. VERY VERY BADLY omg?

k byebye LOL :P
/ Sunday, August 15, 2010 @ 12:00 AM

damn cute sia wtf.
/ Saturday, August 14, 2010 @ 4:03 PM

/ Thursday, August 12, 2010 @ 8:21 PM
i said "YO" to random people today. gosh, what's wrong with me. did alot of stupid things today. and i promise myself that from today onwards i dun talk to YOU. hor si er zi. thanks to someone, i vandalised my own hand LOL stupid.
thn after sch, while waiting for mdm lim to come out from the office, i did a stupid comedy of a ghost chasing me but i can't open the door to hide. thn, i hid behind a pillar and wanted to find where is the ghost thn when i turned, i saw the ghost looking at me. my jaws dropped and my eyes widened. thn, i turned back. i was dead.
gosh he's so cutee !!!!!!!!

mock test ;
ENGLISH: Booklet A: 19/30; Booklet B: 30half/65; Total: 49half/65
MATHS: Booklet A: 17/20; Booklet B: 14/20; Booklet C: 40/60; Total: 71/100
/ Wednesday, August 11, 2010 @ 8:59 PM
prelim english compo today. and I didn't know. i brought my phone and was shocked when someone-idk who told me that today got compo. thn everyone was like nv bring hp but some did. i was panicking like hell but lol, who cares. got sim and battery can le.

tanqi made a v v v big mistake on the compo.
she said: a person who burglars - burglaror
and she wrote that in the compo hahahahhahahahah LOL. somemore there's no such thing as a person who burglars LOL. she didn't believe me at first when i said, "a person who so called, do burglary (LOL) is a burglar. burglary is the thingy. no such thing as burglaror." LOL the marker sure laugh hahahahh.

yog was LOL 'cos we waved and screamed at random people. we got excited over motorcycles and buses. thn, i even criticised all those cars, and i said, "ur car so small, so short, LOUSY!!" thn when the yog those buses came, i was trying to spot hot guys but there wasn't any. and that person said, "hey it's ur favourite song, sing!" then, "OH YEAH OH YEAH OH YEAH, HEY!" wtf. my favourite song? ok. -.-

before maths intensive, had fun disiao-ing maize 'cos he is my maid mah lol. he really does obey me hahahahh. :D

jerald, if u are reading this :
thankyou for spamming my camera album. u have lousy photographic skills. :P
/ Tuesday, August 10, 2010 @ 4:31 PM
Hungry Ghost Festival
  • Do not pick anything from the ground.
  • Do not step on other people's joss sticks.
  • Do not go out at night.
  • No vulgarities.
  • Someone call you from the back dun answer.

Later saw someone behind you in the mirror. Or on the fan. Or beside you, accompanying you watch tv. Or combing her hair. Or looking at you. Or waiting for you.
/ Monday, August 9, 2010 @ 10:52 PM
/ Sunday, August 8, 2010 @ 12:10 PM
gosh. ): tried clipping up my fringe and i looked retarded. sigh, you guys are going to see me in that look on wednesday 'cos cher ask me to clip up ._. argh who cares. just 3 more months and i will leave zhenghua (:.

kthxbye. going to malaysia at night. woots.
/ Saturday, August 7, 2010 @ 8:01 PM
gonna go malaysia tmr 'til monday only. so dunno what to do lor. somemore the coach dunno what still give us some kind of thing to do. dunno what to write -_-|| today, all day slack so nv do anything. tmr till monday gonna be in malaysia so also dunno what to write. siannnn.

2 months. (:
looking forward to see the changes. heheh.
/ Friday, August 6, 2010 @ 2:22 PM
Yea bullshit.

argh. choir's making me pissed off. thanks to choir, i didn't get to join the national day celebration fully. wtf la. i only wanna watch that zhenghua has talent thing then wtf. cannot even watch. i'm not gonna go cca anymore 'cos there's no use liao. i would rather study harder.

OMG that cher bo give us homework. siao. 4 days rot at home liao. nothing to do. nvm. do a-star book hahahs :)

Anyone wanna watch "SALT"?
/ Thursday, August 5, 2010 @ 7:45 PM
Maths Mock Test was...quite easy what? I was stuck at the last question only wtf.
/ Wednesday, August 4, 2010 @ 9:43 PM
Posting for the sake of posting so ... :\

PRELIMS is here. PSLE is also here.
(Wait sounds weird, or it is Prelims Are Here?)

So... Mock tests :\ I'm afraid that I will fail siah walau ehhhhhhhhhh. I've got really low this time round for the mock test for english. OMG... 19/30 FOR BOOKLET A OMFGWTFBBQSHITAHHHHHH.

Maths? Ok-ok lah. Some questions know how to do but MOST OF THEM DUNNO wtfffffffffffffffffff. HOWWWWWWWWWWW ?!?#@^&&%%$@%*&

Mother tongue? Still th same lor :| normal.


Omg, is this th right standard for a second best class ? :|
At least I'm once in th best class okay ^^ (two years somemore ^^)

/ Tuesday, August 3, 2010 @ 5:38 PM
I didn't know that there was such thing as "Cbox virus" so... :\

I've changed to a new cbox so everyone please tagg ^^

Ah, just a few more days, just a few more days!
Prelims, PSLE, blablablah...seriously :\
/ Sunday, August 1, 2010 @ 6:08 PM
Wenta Bugis Street + Far East Plaza with Wenqi. (Seems like only fatiha knows who she is.)
Bought quite a number of clothes and blablah.
K that's all bye. So tired ..
Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.